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Dành choAll Things Web3Jan 20, 2023
Thảo Luận

P2E, NFT videogames

What NFT games are worth playing in 2023? What promising games will be released this year? Is it worth investing your money and time in p2e?

  • blockchain
  • NFT
  • cryptocurrency
  • smart contract
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Câu trả lời

Jan 21 2023, 08:43

Can't say that I'am an expert in Web3 GameFi but i guess this part of the decentalised market have changed since 2021 bullish.

How? Web3 games represented only by NFTs (minting, developing bla bla) and tokens for competitions lose the audience. Personally, I can't event call a dApp with NFTs and tokens a game even if they have a kind of competition tournaments ( StepN and friends).

I bieleve in Metaverse Games with real decentralization without even any investments)

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Jan 25 2023, 14:49

My #1 NFT game is Gods Unchained. Its similar to Heartstone. Its has good free to play options so no need to buy any NFTs

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Web3 (also known as Web 3.0) is an idea for a new iteration of the World Wide Web which incorporates concepts such as decentralization, blockchain technologies, and token-based economics.

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